April 04, 2009


Dear all,
After a rather (=bastante,siempre con adjetivos negativos) tough (=hard) term, I think I deserve a few days off (=unos días libres).As a result,I hereby (=por la presente) ask you to leave me alone (=que me dejéis en paz) for a few days.Don't write comments to this post (=you wouldn't even if I asked you to,as a result of my umpteenth (=enésimo)failure (=fracaso) in my life,hahaha).Let's see if inverse psychology really works. Enjoy your days without your most hated teacher because I'm charging batteries and will make your life impossible during the next term.


Pablo (Mates) said...

OK. I won't write anything. :D

P.S.: You forgot your scarf last Friday... but don't worry, I took it and I'll give it back to you next week.

Gemma said...

I promise too don`t write more comment!! Happy vacations, Mr.Tight.