February 01, 2010


Dear all,
I think I've already mentioned what a magnet (=imán) I am for weird(=strange,bizarre) people.Last Saturday afternoon I was driving in a hurry doing 90mph in the freeway, since I had arranged to get together for lunch with some of my cousins in Alcalá de Henares and I was already late...as usual. I was driving past the fecalthlon (what else???) and got pulled over (=echado a un lado) by the police. This is the transcription of my conversation with the police,give or take a word or two:
POLICE: D'you know what the speed limit in the freeway is,right?
JAVIER: Yes, sir.I just oversped (=rebasé el límite) 5 mph.
POLICE: Why the hurry?(=¿a qué venía tanta prisa?)
JAVIER: I know you hear this everyday,sir,but I was on my way to the airport,my plane's leaving in two hours.
POLICE: May I see your ticket?
JAVIER: It's an electronic ticket, sir, I only need to show my ID.
POLICE: Where are you going?
JAVIER: Lisbon, sir...Portugal.
POLICE: Believe it or not I was there last Christmas.Is this your first time in Lisbon?
JAVIER: Yes, sir, I've never been there.
POLICE: Alright,then.This one time,I'll let you go,but slow down....and enjoy the city,it's really beautiful!!!!
JAVIER: Thanks a million,sir,I will enjoy my trip,thanks again!!!
POLICE: Godsped!!!(=buen viaje)
It's a good thing he didn't offer to accompany me to the airport....


Pablo (Mates) said...

And the next post will be "my first trip to Lisbon".

Príncipe Zafiro said...

What an example for yours pupils!! xDD

Mister Tight said...

Dear Principe Zafiro,

1st: I don't appreciate the sarcasm underneath your comment.
2nd:What d'you actually consider objectionable,lying to a police officer or overspeeding?In the first case I avoided paying a ticket,which I think is clever.In the secondd case,it was just 5 mph!!

Alina Stefan said...

Don´t worry all of us have ever lied to a police officer.

lopez said...

i disagree with Alina, i don't know but i can't lie to a police officer. i have clashed with police and i can´'t tell them a lie.

Naminé said...

I think I can't lie to a policeman in a similar situation.

Pablo said...

I think it´s time to write your memories.

best regards

p.d.After that I bet Coen brothers are going to buy the rights to film a blockbuster!!!!