Why do I have to deal with all the freaks and weirdos in this country???Why do they all come up to me???Leave me alone!!!!Believe it or not, yesterday I had a paranormal situation. I was walking down the streets of Guadalajara, enjoying a sad and dim fall evening,enjoying every single wave of chill air on my face and my nostrils.Well, I walk into a café for a hot coffee (Good Lord,people in Guadalajara smoke a lot!!!I quit two months ago and I could barely breathe) and this waiter comes up to me and takes my order. Nice, I'd never been to that bar and despite the cloud of Virginia smoke I almost got to enjoy my time there...but suddenly this FREAK comes up to me,as if the world was about to blow up any given minute and yells at me:
"Que muera el PP, me ha quitado cuatro apartamentos en Nueva York y ha secuestrado a mi hija!!" and repeats the same thing a couple of times!!!I told him to stay calm, I told him that I had lost six apartments in New York and three sons.That seemed to calm him down a little bit. I told the waiter to serve him another drink and I offered to pay for it.
I've never had a paranormal situation like this... I think it's you! :D
Yeah,i told you,I'm like a magnet for freaks,creeps and weirdos of all sorts,I don't really know how I do it,I've dealt with tons of them all along my life!!!
Your fragrance, maybe.
Sure,HORSESHIT creep-luring eau pour homme!!!
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