Any given day, the wheel of fortune will spin backwards, and the goddess will retire or else, apply for unemployment subsidy.Any given day, we'll all control the wheel, we'll be able to stop it at any moment and everything will be fine.Any given day, I'll learn how to use computers and I'll get along with them. Any given day, everybody'll be able to express their feelings freely, and the middle point won't be anymore the most respected opinion...God...it's so easy to be liked...being liked is totally overrated....and expressing our emotions and feeling is underrated. Any given day I'll tell one of my friends how much I hate his new hairstyle and, most importantly, he'll still like me...I won't have to remain silent.
Any given day, people will like us the way we are and not the way they want us to be.
You don't have to worry about what others think.
Oh Lord! you have to keep The Faith!
see you
p.d. And don´t worry I´ll change my hairstyle!!!
You finally got the hint,Pablo!!haha.I don't really give a flying S·$%& about what people think,dude,but it is true that i don't say all I think at all times,neither do you nor anybody I've ever met,which is sad,ain't it??
We live in a society of appearances. That´s the way we are used to live and sadly the things that people think or said about us make that our personality change.
It´s senseless but its the true!
I agree with you. Pablo should change his hairstyle.
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