May 03, 2009


Here I am again,guys.This post is aimed at reminding you (=está dirigido a recordaros) that the end of this course is around the corner. I know you're all looking forward to it (=esperándolo con ansiedad) and I guess (=supongo) that you're already thinking about your summer.Nevertheless(=de todos modos) I hereby (=por la presente) encourage you (=os animo) to make one last effort. If you make an effort,It'll pay off (=si hacéis un esfuerzo,será recompensado) in time. You won't be able to have lots of fun unless you really study hard now (=no podreis divertiros a menos que estudiéis duro ahora). If you do well in your exams, you'll see your grades look up (=si se os da bien en los exámenes,veréis cómo mejoran vuestras notas). If I come up with more examples of conditional sentences, I'll let you know (=si se me ocurren más ejemplos de frases condicionales, os lo haré saber)


Pablo (Mates) said...

More examples for you, guys:

- If you pay attention in class, you will understand better what we're explaining.

- If you spoke less with your classmates, you would learn more things in class.

- If you had done your homework every day, you would have got better marks.

Mister Tight said...

They're just studying the future conditional,Pablo,but thanks for the visit.

Mister Tight said...

By the way,guys,thank for being good boys / girls at the congress.That doesn't apply to Mr.Buriticá and Miss Hernanz :)

Pablo (Mates) said...

I'll tell them if they don't behave better, they won't go to another trip.

Nita said...

- If you don't ask your doubts to the teacher before the exam, you will have problems for sure in it.