December 21, 2009


Dear all,

It's all gonna be over...for good.It's not about the movie at all,guys.The NASA has supported the scientific evidence behind the movie and says that something definitely not cool will happen on December 21st,2012. The North and South Poles might even exchange positions,rotating vertically instead of horizontally,which would undoubtedly originate tsunamis of an unprecedented magnitude. I don't know about you,guys,but all this scares the shhhhh out of me. I've looked into (=investigated) it on the net and seen all the youtube videos available on the subject and believe's creepy...very creepy.Now...if all this were true...what would you do???Would you keep on (=continue) attending class?Would I keep on working? I don't know.Anyway, I don't want to freak you out (=make you panic).If all this is a hoax (=lie), the Earth will go on (=keep on) spinning around and humans will keep on doing what we do on a daily basis.Practice your 2nd conditional clauses and let me know what you would do if you knew it was all over.


Pablo (Mates) said...

They said the world ended in 2000... and we're in 2009.

Mister Tight said...

You got it all wrong,Pablo. That was about the computers collapsing...this is about the Earth blowing up,about tides getting through our nostrils inside our lungs,this time is for real...