Dear all,
There's this website I've heard of.They promise to deposit in your bank account 300.000 Euros.All you have to do is stroll.Choose a park,one that's near your home. Walk around the park for two hours everyday. Everyday with no exception,rain or shine!!!Repeat the same process for three years and they'll deposit 300.000 euros in your bank account. Are you in? Of course you are...Let me tell you something,guys. If you study English everyday for the next three years,it's gotta pay off...300.000 euros,that's how much more you'll earn by the end of your career if you can speak English well.You may think I'm talking bull, that's your call.There are no miracles,d'you really want something???Come n' get it!!!Otherwise,well...good luck.
My first comment in your blog isn't about the post. It's about the fishes in the left side of the blog. If I fill the aquarium with orange points (Is it fish food?) the fish go mad.
(P.D: http://bunnyherolabs.com/adopt/ in this page are a lot of pets to put in a blog,there is a fish and you can change the fish's color)
-->Beatriz Sánchez 2ºBach
God,I didn't know I could feed my fish!!!I hope they become huge piranhas in a couple of months!!!
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