This is not a fund-raising show,guys,this is for real. Three brave teachers are running 21 km next Sunday 13th. Another one is running 10.5 km. Many of them said they'd join in....most of them chickened out.Only three of us have endured the pain and hardship of the trainings under the cold rain: Pablo Canabal,your teacher of Economics and BA; Gabriel, a teacher from IES Arcipreste de Hita and me, Mr.Tight, will go for the 21km, whereas Ana Buendía will take a shot at 10.5km. This is pretty much like "the good, the bad and the ugly", whose final scene features the three protagonists facing each other in an oval deadly duel...who will make it alive???That's for you to find out.By the way,don't dare ask who the ugly is!!!!
Where´s my sports number!!!
I will meet you later...
You're my hero! You did it very well!
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