Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide(=alrededor del mundo) by those of Irish descent and increasingly(=cada vez más) by non-Irish people. In many parts of North America, Britain, and Australia, expatriate Irish and ever-growing crowds(=multitudes que no dejan de crecer en número)of people with no Irish connections but who may proclaim themselves "Irish for a day" also celebrate St. Patrick's Day, usually with the consumption of traditionally Irish alcoholic beverages(=bebidas) and by wearing green-coloured clothing. The origin of this holiday dates back from ancient times, when st. Patrick exterminated all the snakes in Ireland. The Chicago river is dyed green each year (see pic above) for the celebration.Did you know that 'Patrick' (or colloquially, 'Paddy') is the most common name in Ireland? The national flower is the Shamrock (=trébol).Source: Wikipedia & my own brain.
How do they turn the river green?
who knows...they all probably drink green tea the day before and urinate into the river on St.Patrick's!!!
Hello Mr.Tight!!I don`t belive it!!!
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