I just came back from the beach and I'm tired, (=)exhausted,(=) worn out, (=)whacked, (=)weary,(=)done in, (=)fatigued. I thought I would come back (=que volvería) fresh as new (=fresco como una rosa), but instead of (=en vez de ) taking a nap (=siesta) or taking it easy (=tomárselo con calma) I went running, swimming, shopping and I played football and basketball. I've eaten junk food (=comida basura) and my gut (=mi intestino) is stale (=revenido). I'm going to the fridge to check out (=comprobar) if there's some youghurt or fruit I can have for dinner. Please, be merciful (=sed piadosos) tomorrow and don't give me a hard time. Otherwise(=si no)...hold on tight (=agárrense que vienen curvas).
Where is it?
p.d. I´ve seen "Gran Torino". only one word can describe this movie: Great!!. Answering your previus question: I prefer this film than "Mystic River" because it´s not so dark.
On the other hand I´ve got a question: This movie could be the second part of "heartbreak ridge" (el sargento de hierro) I think that the main character is so similar...
see you around
Relax. Take it easy.
thanks,Pablos.By the way,i hadn't thought about Gran Torino being the sequel to heartbreak ridge, but you made a good point there.Sometimes a movie can teach more than we do in months.
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