English vocabulary has many words composed of a letter and a word.You all know about
T-shirt,which makes perfect sense(=tiene toda la lógica del mundo),since it's a shirt with the shape of a 'T'. But
I bet my bottom dollar(=apuesto mi último euro a que) you've never heard of a
U-Turn (=giro de 180º), or a
V-neck (=cuello de pico), or
Y-fronts (=calzoncillos tipo slip, no boxers).So...
what on earth is (=qué narices es) a
Z-bed? Well, it's a bed you can
unfold (=desplegar) in case you receive your family at home!!! It's what you call in Spanish 'sofá-cama'.
Don't confuse these words with other similar words like
F-word (=taco,insulto), they don't have the same origin. By the way, I chose the photo of the
chimp(=chimpancé) simply because I liked it.
In spanish haven`t words similar. Aunque sí encontramos las palabras onomatopéyicas como zas! pis! boom!... que imitan el sonido que producen el concepto que designan.
Saludos Mr.Tigh!!
That's right!!!In English we also have similar words imitating actions.Examples: to snap (=chasquear los dedos) or to ralph(=vomitar,potar).Best regards,Gemma!!
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