This morning, as I was reading the newspaper,I realized there was subliminal content in it.I encourage(=os animo) you to take a look at it. The newspaper was 'El Mundo'. All the sections in the newspaper contain colour photographs except two sections,where the photographs are in black and white. The section I'm referring to is 'ECONOMY'. Also, the subheading (=el subtítulo de la noticia) is in red. There is only one other(=sólo otra) section in the newspaper with red subheadings. I thought it was a weird (=raro) thing...why would a newspaper change two of its sections' typography??? There is a reason, little brats (=mocosos). Black and white photographs are not as cheerful (=alegres) as colour photographs. Also, red subheadings gave me the impression of danger. If you are wondering (=si os estáis preguntando) what the other section with that typography was....it was the obituary column (=las necrológicas). Draw your own conclusions (=sacad vuestras propias conclusiones) and don't forget you will also find subliminal information in every (=en todos)newspaper you glance through (=hojeéis).
Mmm... interesting... I'll try to put some subliminal content in my Maths exams to let pupils pass them.
Subliminal messages...
I think that it is a political topic and " the world " (the newspaper) wrote a subjective article...
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