Dear students,
We're all back to work.I hope (=espero) you've charged your batteries (=hayais cargado las pilas) because I have. I'm planning to make your life as difficult as I can (=pienso haceros la vida imposible), I promise to assign tons of homework (=mandar toneladas de deberes) and get the best out of you (=sacar lo mejor de vosotros) in every session. Watch your back(=vigilad vuestra espalda), because I'll attack when you least expect it (=cuando menos te lo esperes), just like John Rambo.I'll be covered in mud (=cubierto en el fango), not blinking an eye (=sin parpadear), you'll get into the classroom and be an easy prey (=una presa fácil).I'll be merciless (=seré despiadado),heartless (=insensible)and ruthless (=sin compasión).... so watch your step (=así que mira por donde pisas)
I've charged my batteries, don't worry. But I'm afraid of you!!!
Ok... I promise you I will be a good person in YOUR class (xD)
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