I'm sorry if today I sound a bit like Dr.Gregory House,but I can't stand it anymore. (=ya no aguanto más).Whenever (=cada vez que)we're in class, I ask you a thousand questions, some of them concerned with your private life:
"Little Bobby, do you like fish?","Little Tony, how often do you go to the cinema?","Little Billy, did you abandon your pet dog last weekend?" and so on and so forth (=y así sucesivamente). Well, I just ask you because I wanna make you speak, I ask you because it's the only way you'll ever learn how to speak, I ask you because communicating you will learn English. Let me pick out (=elegir)my words wisely(=sabiamente)....I DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIVES.(=no me importa un comino vuestra vida).I hate it when I ask little Pete about his weekend and then five other students tell me about theirs!!!! if I listened to the other five students, we would get sidetracked (=nos desviaríamos del tema) and go off at a tangent(=nos salimos de la tangente).And this goes especially for my students in 3rd year 'A' of E.S.O.
Feel lucky if they do it in English. They tell me the same but in Spanish and at Maths time!
I´ve got the same problem...but my pupils are 16-18 years old
best regards
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