This is the very first post I ever publish.I'm not really sure what to talk about,I don't even know how long I'll be publishing these posts, since I'm not 100% per cent sure you will like whatever I have to tell you.
I wish you could help me out and give me ideas,things you would like to know,food you like,movies you like,books you've enjoyed,etc...
Feel free to criticize my articles,don't go too tough on me though!!!I know I'm a tough one
inside the classroom,but I'm a fairly better person outside.
Anyway,looking forward to your ideas & suggestions,
Hello teacher!
hello teacher!!
Dear Pedro/Lauriiita,
thanks a lot for visiting the blog,leave as many ideas and suggestions as you wish!!!
hello teacher I am Nahiara XD and I have got more words to put that pedro or laura xD
I am sorry because my keyboard hasnt got apostrophe... =S you can write about... world-wide polemics for example... your opinion about miscarriage,contamination, Obama... and we can debate and write our opinion... dear teacher... i have a question... can you write about USA or UK???? when I will be adult I will want to travell there...
I'am Daniel.H, Hello teacher.
I have doubts but are separate article but I do not understand that we should put on is the food that we like ... do not understand. As in English I have no idea xD
Hi teacher,I like your blog and I wish that you put many interesting things.You can put things abouts sports news about some countries or your opinion of films or music bands.Good luck with the blog.
Good bye teacher
good luck, man¡
see you in my blog
Thanks for your support,guys.
I'll try to follow your advice.Pablo,If you don't mind,I'll keep on leaving comments on your blog,which is awesome.
Thanks a million!!!!
Of course I´ll wait your comments..in fact your comments are "value added" (valor añadido) (je,je it seems I teach Economy)
See you on the Web
postdata: I´ll continue visiting your blog "until the cows come home"
Hello teacher, i'm Tami.I'm sorry If I have mistakes to write. You know that me love listening to music and dance, you will can speak about your favourite music, and tell me if you know other types the dances that we don't know.To me too, like watching good films. Can you say me good films for i watch it?.
And finally i will like know your experence of live in Canada. How is the live there? How are the people there,the environment? I don't know tell me "lo" what you want XD.
Bye teacher..
Hi, man! You haven't told me that you have started a new blog! I will kick you tomorrow... I promise! :D
I give you my idea for writing: Maths. It's the best subject in the world!!! But if you don't like it, you can write about life in foreign countries.
hi teacher...
I am agree with tamy xD you can write about your experence in Canada... or music that you like... oh you must watch "the 1408 bedroom" this film is interesting...
Good Bye!!
Wow!!!Thanks a million for your support,I got great ideas and I promise to carry them out (to carry out=llevar a cabo).Thanks for your support.On the weekend,I'll write the first real post.Thanks a lot to both Pablos!!!!
Hi teacher,The post is curious and the good photo XD
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