(lunacy=rareza).English language is weird (=rara).Let's take a look at a couple of illustrating examples. A Guinea Pig (=conejillo de indias) is neither a pig nor from Guinea;A Pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple!!! Why is it then that quicksand (=arenas movedizas) works so slowly??There's no ham in a hamburger,and no egg in an eggplant (=berenjena).Boxing rings are not round,but square;There are no peas or nuts in peanuts. English muffins weren't invented in England,nor were French fries invented in France.If the plural of tooth is teeth,shouldn't the plural of booth be 'beeth'? If the plural of mouse is mice,the plural or house should be 'hice'!!!! If pro and con (=ventajas y desventajas) are opposites, is 'Progress' the opposite of 'Congress'?Why can we see the stars when they're out,but can't see at all when the lights are out???If a vegetarian eats vegetables,what does a humanitarian eat?
i don´t understand very well it...
but yes Tamy and I have got some words in English sosososo WEIRDS...
SOME DAY WE WILL PUT IT IN YOUR BLOG... i don´t mind if you has a Strong voice... if you are bla bla bla bla with the same voice... it is so boring!!!!
Yeah,it contains some new words for you,that's why you don't understand it.I wish someone invented a book where you could find the translation of English words into Spanish and viceversa...what a great invention that would be!!!
yes... it could be a very interesting invention but... i think that the dictionary is already invented and there are dictionaries wich helps you to understand Spanish too =)
I think we should go out more... not to let you think about these topics! :D
Is the same in Spanish: if a "perro-lobo" is a dog whose parents are a dog and a wolf, what the f*** is an "oso-hormiguero"?
P.S.: Don't worry, the text is easy to understand, and looking up a word or two in the dictionary (yeah, we've already invented it!!! And also online!!!) is not a dirty job.
Mr.Tight: Great post!!!!
...and Pablo Mates, your question is very easy to answer:
The father is a "bear" and the mother is an "ant"
where is the problem !!!
Like Beatles said: "all you need it is love..ta...tararara"
best regards!!!!
Do I have to write in English in here? jeje...
Nice to bump into you like this my friend,... missya...
How are you doing, anyway? take care, and please, don't forget whoppers in 2 minutes...
I don´t understand why there are some people that can stain this precious and beautifull language saying you´re weak or it is weakgood bye
some body always can dissapoint some times
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