In 1998,I was living in London.I used to (=solía) work at the Uni (=university) pub serving pints (=pintas) of beer.When my shift (=turno) finished at 11pm,I headed (=me dirigí) back home.On my way home(=de camino a casa),I ran into (=me topé con) a beggar (=mendigo) who was singing Elvis' "Always on my mind". I stopped to listen to him,since (=dado que) it's one of my favourite tunes (=canciones) ever. As he reached the chorus (=estribillo) I joined him(=me uní a él) and sang along (=canté al unísono). When he finished,I gave him two quid (=libras). What struck me most (=lo que más me sorprendió) was that he wanted to pay me a drink with the very same money (=con el mismo dinero) I had given him!!! We went for a hot coffee together and talked about Elvis for almost (=durante casi) three hours.I paid for the coffee.
How sweet!!! Snif, snif...
How many cities have you lived in? London, Toronto, Madrid...
Hello teacher, very funny anecdote, by the way in how many cities have you been?
I've only lived in Madrid,Toronto and London.By the way,guys,what's the most beautiful place you've ever been to?
The most beautiful place I've ever been to... That's a good question which can't be answered in this blog; I'll tell you tomorrow (because pupils could read it!). But every place is beautiful if you spend your time with good people.
I think London is a very beautiful city. I've been there three times, and I love it: people, lifestyle, shops... and sales!
!!!! Can you sing it in the class tomorrow?? =) jajajaja your history is so graceful!! Wow you said that only you have lived in Madrid, Toronto and LOND0N ... ONLY!!!! I would like it(live in LONDON)... it is my ... dream (dream?? = sueño)thank you for write about London... and Elvis (XD) < I am not angry for the last comment xD it was a joke...> GOOD BYE
do click on my name in the comments if somebody want to view my blog
Believe me,London is a spectacular place to go on holidays,but living there is hard stuff.I lived in Hackney,one of the worst areas in London.London can be depressing at times(=a veces) for anyone,no matter whether you prefer rainy or sunny weather.It's just too gloomy (=triste,lúgubre).
You sang in the street!! jajaja that funny. My favourite place... i don't know, i don't travel very much, i never have left of Spain. But i have the intention to travel very, very much. I want know all over the world, and the next year, probably, I will go to Canada or Ingland in a inglish camp for 1 month, i'm wishing.
Teacher, thanks for write about London and Toronto, i liked it.
Teacher,Can you tell your experience, whem you're vigilance man? I want hear your history as vigilance man! hahaha is funny! :D
Hi teacher! I've been in London last September and I think it's great. You can find a lot of different people there but I agree with you, the weather is too rainy and cloudy. I hope you tell us more things about your life in Toronto and London because I liked them very much. See you tomorrow!
I'll tell you about my security guard experience the day everybody does their homework,no sooner than that!!!By the way,Tammy,check your EEEEENglish spelling!!!
Thanks a lot,anyway.Check out the goat story,it's hilarious!!!
London is nice, but also I prefer America, specialy New York
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