(lunacy=rareza).English language is weird (=rara).Let's take a look at a couple of illustrating examples. A Guinea Pig (=conejillo de indias) is neither a pig nor from Guinea;A Pineapple is neither a pine nor an apple!!! Why is it then that quicksand (=arenas movedizas) works so slowly??There's no ham in a hamburger,and no egg in an eggplant (=berenjena).Boxing rings are not round,but square;There are no peas or nuts in peanuts. English muffins weren't invented in England,nor were French fries invented in France.If the plural of tooth is teeth,shouldn't the plural of booth be 'beeth'? If the plural of mouse is mice,the plural or house should be 'hice'!!!! If pro and con (=ventajas y desventajas) are opposites, is 'Progress' the opposite of 'Congress'?Why can we see the stars when they're out,but can't see at all when the lights are out???If a vegetarian eats vegetables,what does a humanitarian eat?