Dear all,
As if this were a boxing ring,I'll compare Canadian and Spanish cultures putting forward what I consider to be their most remarkable pros and cons(=pros y contras) and then you decide where you'd rather live.
First of all,let me say that Spain is getting more and more "american". Now we go shopping to malls (20 years ago we'd go to a department store,which is more european).Canadians take off their shoes as soon as they get home,which makes sense,since shoe soles bring in all the dirt from the street. On the other hand it looks pretty weird (=strange)to be in a party where you can see your friends' socks!!!
Streets are, by far, much cleaner in Canada.Spaniards throw cigarette butts and chewing gum on the ground,inconceivable in Canada. Canadians dress as if they were at home,too casual in my opinion.But 'convenience'(=comodidad) is the most important concept in their culture.They aren't as envious or nosey as Spaniards,let me tell you.Unlike in Spain,Canadian cuisine sucks (=es un rollo),hot dogs,burguers and bar-b-q. Furthermore,their weather sucks even more,with half a year of snow and maximum temperatures below 0ºC in winter!!!Salaries are much higher,though,they probably earn twice as much as here,and paternity leave lasts 1 year!! (la baja por maternidad/paternidad dura 1 año!!). Nevertheless, I have to say they're not very culturate,not many knew where Spain was,and they didn't care much about the rest of the world.In a nutshell,let me know if you'd like to live in Canada and why!!!!
I've never been to Canada, but I hope people don't shout as much as Spanish people!
They actually don't...luckily!!!
im sorry but i prefer Spain. it has good beaches, the better food in the world and it is my country :P. but i have to travel to Canada one day...
I would like live in Canada to see if in Canada have fashion shock for the parties.
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