Take the cigarrette out of the pack and put it on the scale. Write down how much it weighs. Now light the cigarrette.As it gets consumed,put the ashes(=cenizas) on the lab scale.When it puts out(=apagar) by itself, place (=coloca)the butt (= colilla) on the scale with the ashes. You will see that the total weight is inferior to the original weight of the cigarrette before it had been lit.
As you can imagine, the difference between the weights of the cigarrette before and after it was lit is the weight of the smoke!!!!
In my humble opinion, and with all due respect (=con el debido respeto) to the rest of the teachers at IES Profesor Domínguez Ortiz, I have proven the weight of smoke and therefore I think I deserve the nobel prize for science!!!!
1 comment:
If Obama won the nobel prize for peace, you can win every nobel you want. Just try!
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