When I was your age (=cuando yo tenía vuestra edad) I was an average student.I was
neither the most brilliant nor the laziest (=ni el más brillante ni el más vaguillo).
I used to put off (=solía posponer) the hard work
until (=hasta) three days before the exams. I also
flunked (=cateaba) some subjects, especially Maths (Sorry, Pablo) and Chemistry. I'll never forget a History exam, the Russian Revolt...Oh,God. I wrote a 5-page essay on the revolt,but
since (=dado que)
I hadn't had (=no había tenido) enough time I wrote the 5 pages but didn't mention a date,name or place that could
locate (=situar) such a conflict (=dicho conflicto) in a History book. Of course, I flunked. The worst thing was that the teacher
read my exam out loud (=leyó mi examen en alto) to the rest of the class as an example
of what should never be done(=de lo que nunca debe hacerse) in an exam. Well, that summer of 1994 was the summer I carried my History book all around.
Well, the next day please take a notebook... Maths classes, of course!
at least your History teacher didn't tear your exam up because he couldn't understand your handwriting...
I´me agree with you:
It´s time to hit the books!!!!!
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