I was wondering (=me preguntaba) yesterday why/ how a movie becomes a 'cult movie'. It's not because of the box office figures (=los números en taquilla),Al Pacino's Scarface was a real failure(=fracaso) in the box office and Titanic broke all the box office records and it is not a cult movie. Not all cult movies talk about mafia and not all mafia movies are cult movies either...think about casino,with Robert de Niro and Sharon Stone,it sucks (=es un coñazo)!!!It definitely helps when the movie talks about mafia (The Godfather,Good Fellas),but some other cult movies do not talk about mafia.Think of De Niro's Taxi Driver...it's very violent,but violence is not the magic ingredient either.Saving Private Ryan is a really violent film about world war II (=la segunda guerra mundial) and is not a cult movie.On the other hand, Donnie Darko is neither a violent nor a mafia movie and it is a cult movie,so...what do you think it is???
feelings... they are the reason...
from my point of view, obviously.
Very true,Nita,you have a point there,but...Titanic also made many people cry and it's not considered a cult movie,or...my girl,when the kid dies (sorry if you haven't seen it)it was really moving too,and it' not a cult movie..so...I don't know.
I agree with you in some points... but... is Titanic a truly romantic or feelings aimed film? Or is it better to say that Titanic is a film in which the director has used the name of the ship just to make a Hollywood production? a production whose main targets were teenagers and young people. I don't find really moving Jack's death (you really know I saw it twice), the only point I find moving could be other deaths (as the children in the bed).
Anyway, I think that a good film it is so because of a sensitive reason. Feelings, senses... they are touched by the cult movies. You can like them or hate them, but you will always realise when it is a cult movie.
A cult movie that I consider is Forest Gumb....
and Scarface!
****ing Coackroaches
Scarface...that is a cult movie,son.
Say hello to my little friend!!!!
god,that sounds bad without a context!!!!
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