hi,(un)dear students!!!I can't believe my ears!!!(=no puedo creer lo que oigo),I have heard that someone has come up with (=se le ha ocurrido) a device (=un aparato) where you can look up (=buscar) the meaning of an English word!!!Amazing, isn't it??? All you have to do is go to a bookshop (=librería) and ask for: "un diccionario,por favor").They'll give you a thick book. Such a device (=dicho armatoste) comes in handy (=viene que ni al pelo) when you don't know how to say a word in English.I already bought one and it's true!!!I looked up(=busqué) the word "sobaco" and the translation given was "armpit". It all comes in alphabetical order. For those of you who still have trouble with(=les cuesta) the alphabet, I will remind you the order to use such a complex device:
Yes, I think I´ve heard it before...
...but I´me not sure
how amazing!!! I can't believe it!!! What a useful device!!!
I wish my students had one!!!
Thanks for the visit,dudes.Nita,do you ever feel like a walking dictionary???
I think it's my second name at the school... for sure! Above all I feel it in the final exams... it's when all the doubts must be answered, otherwise you are the worst person in the world.
And the irony doesn't help much in these moments.
Has it already been invented? Ouch! I'll have to think in another invention! Let me think... a machine which makes calculations... I'll call it "calculator". All the students could buy one and they wouldn't ask me "12x5?" again!
How much is 12x5,Pablo???
I hate you so much, Mister Tight...
You can look for the answer on the internet.
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