Dear All,
You all know by know how I admire the United States of America.Every now and then I tell you about American customs,traditions,etc...If the USA didn't exist,someone should invent them,in other words.The problem comes when I start to feel (I've had this feeling for over three years now) that Spain is dangerously starting to behave like Americans.Yesterday I was at the supermarket doing the shopping,like every Monday...cookies,OJ (=Orange Juice), coffee, codfish (haha,I'm kidding,of course), some fruit (strawberries, pears, clementines and lemons), some vegetables and my chocolate treat (=capricho, recompensa). Then I go on to get the cured ham (for my Friday night's ham pizza) and see there's a line (=BR English=queue) of two other women. I saw that neither (=ninguna de las dos) had taken a turn ticket, so I asked: "Who's the last to order?" One of the two girls turns to me and says: "WE're about to finish (making it obvious they were together), is it so difficult for a man to know when two girls are having together or do you have any problem with it?" Wow...they were a couple but...how ON EARTH am I supposed to know???On the other hand, her remark (=comentario) was kind of rude, so I replied (=respondí): "I have no problem with nothing, ma'am,don't take it personally,the society don't hate you, although you may love feeling like it". WHAAAT'S WRONNNGGG!!!!
I don't see why all the freaks (Needless to say(=sobra decir)I talk about freaks because of her reply, not about her condition) should come up to me and rub their mud ON MY FACEEEE!!!!
You should've said: "I have no problem, but you might have one because you are not together but in a line".
Didn't you notice the woodcutter-look shirts? (I'm joking, of course)
i think that U are unlucky in this case jajajaj i'm kidding
you can't complain about my cuz i always comment your post
I never complain,not the least about you,son.I just think it's a shame you (your group) don't make use of all the resources available!!!
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