Dear all,
This is the end of NOBODY LIKES CODFISH. I've received threats to put an end to this blog,they said that if I didn't close this blog I would suffer painful consequences.There are hidden interests in all this issue,some of which I can't tell.I may come back next year with another blog,with a different name,perhaps with interesting things to say....I gotta say thank you to all those who supported me all along this experience,Pablo Canabal,Pablo Mates and of course...all of the students who contributed to make this possible....Juvenile Delinquent,Ceciclia,Sam,López,etc... (Etc means there are no more!!!)
nobody likes codfish will be exterminated in
June 13, 2010
June 07, 2010
HOW DID IT GO??? about it???If you have some spare time,log in and tell me whether you found the exams easy or difficult,tell me about the English exam,etc...I hope you did well...anyway,hope to see/talk to you soon,guys.
June 01, 2010

Dear all,
We're just a few days away from the finish line,and it is exactly now when we have to make a greater effort.Nothing in this life is as rewarding as feeling you've given all you had,no matter if you win or lose.When I do my very best I don't really care about winning or losing,because I know deep inside that I've already won.
Do your best...and may the force be with you.....
May 21, 2010

I'm sorry if I let you down,guys.I didn't go for the drink because I knew the place would packed (=abarrotado) as it finally was (or so I've heard).I can't stand being in the middle of a crowd,I get nervous,my blood pressure drops automatically and I've even passed out(=desmayarse) on previous occassions.That's why I avoid crowds,that's why I avoid demonstrations (=manifestaciones),concerts,shopping malls at Christmas and megadinners.I'm sure you all understand.I have to say I did have a nice time during the dinner,except those times when a group of guys from 2ºA came to say hello to Rocío gathering (=reuniéndose) around me,that I didn't like.Anyway,it's time to get back to work a.s.a.p. (as soon as possible),we're just two weeks away from the end of the road and we have to give all we've it.
May 18, 2010

As chance would have it (=por obra del azar) I ran into(=me encontré con) an old friend last Sunday afternoon.We went to university together,yet we weren't really close.We decided to go for a coffee.She started to tell me about her whereabouts (=sus idas y venidas) in English academies.She then asked me what I was doing. When I said I was working in a state school (=colegio público) she looked at me as if I were an alien.
-"Seriously??? -she asked-I mean,don't you have problems with the students???Isn't it dangerous???"
-"Not really,-I replied-in over three years I haven't had to repair car scratches(=arañazos de coche),or slashed tyres(=ruedas pinchadas)" (That's because I walk to school, I thought).
-"Wow, Mr.Tight,you must really have some patience!!!" ("yes,with you!!!"- I thought)
At this point I got really mad,because I've heard that crap far too many times:
-"Look,mammal!!(=mamífero), I love my job and I truly think it's a joke that I even get paid to do what I love to do,if you don't like state schools,good,don't apply for the job,but stoooop iiit!!!!!!!!DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!(=TE AGUAAANTAAASSS!!!!)
I know I shouldn't have called her "mammal", but she made me lost my temper,I'm sorry.
May 14, 2010
Dear All,
For the last six months,I've become a real fan of Damian Marley,I love his music and strongly recommend that you check it out whenever you get a couple of minutes to listen to some of his songs ("welcome to jamrock" ,"Pimpass' Paradise"or "There for you" are among my favourites).

Damian was two years old when his father Bob Marley died; he is the only child born to Marley and Cindy Breakspeare, Miss World 1976. Damian's nickname Junior Gong is derived from his father's nickname of Tuff Gong. Marley has been performing since the age of 13. He shares, along with most of his family, a full-time career in music. Unlike his brothers and sisters, however, his musical specialty is "toasting", a Jamaican vocal technique that is a predecessor to rapping.Welcome to Jamrock was considered the best reggae song of the decade by the New York Times. He has 12 siblings total; 10 on his father's side and 2 on his mother's side. Damian was two years old when his father died, killed by the spread of melanoma to his lungs and brain, at 36 years of age. Marley has been in the music business since he was a child. He began performing as the vocalist for a group called The Shepherds.his music reflects both his beliefs and the Rastafari guiding principles of one love, one planet, and freedom for all nations.
May 11, 2010

I don't like megadinners (to me more than 6 people is already a megadinner) because people talk.Silence is underrated(=infravalorado).Weird people say weird things and normal people....well,normal people say weird things too.It's not easy to be a social being,and being social isn't one of the things I'm best at, if you know what I mean. I usually drive everywhere,so I don't usually drink at these events.If you are sober(=sobrio) and the person you're talking to is kinda tipsy (=chispilla), whatever he/she says won't make much sense,they will hug you and say how much they love you,and really, I don't like to be hugged by strangers.So...I don't really know how to say this without being disrespectful....uhhhh....the less our dinner resembles the photograph above,the better.
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